Panamint Springs Pilots

Panamint Springs Pilots
Panamint Springs is a great place for recreational flyers

These two pilots made a remarkably safe landing in Panamint Springs many years ago, but unfortunately passed because they didn’t have enough fresh water to drink! They are forever enshrined here in Panamint Springs as a reminder to all — BRING WATER!!

Panamint Springs Resort

Panamint Springs Resort
You’ll be glad to see a little bit of civilization every 100 miles or so

It was quite pleasing to arrive at Panamint Springs Resort just around dusk, where we knew we could get a hot dinner and comfy bed to sleep on for the night. The resort is very tiny and most of it is flat desert dirt for tent camping and parking your RV. They do have a… Continue reading Panamint Springs Resort

Father Crowley Point

Father Crowley Point
Scenic overlook at Father Crowley Point

As you continue on HWY 190 East the elevation rises a bit and Father Crowley Point is one of the first scenic overlooks to stop and gaze into the distance. As the sign points out, the skies over this area are used for high power jets performing military training exercises. No jet activity sighted on… Continue reading Father Crowley Point