Deep into Death Valley somewheres on Emigrant Canyon Road we found these water towers on a hill and I had to run up and take a look! Little did we know it was a famous historic site called Journigan’s Mill. It was the only thing we had seen in quite a while, so it was… Continue reading Death Valley Let’s Go video
Category: video
The Road to Ballarat
Our first adventure out of Panamint Springs was to find the ghost town Ballarat. We ran down this bumpy dirt road for 10 miles or so before realizing that it was going to kill my vehicle and we’d likely run out of gas and die. Sadly, we never got to visit Ballarat, but we were… Continue reading The Road to Ballarat
Death Valley Highway
Ten seconds of wind and silence on Highway 136 East heading into Death Valley National Park. Many of the areas are barely populated and not too much road traffic. Lots of sun and wind, however. If visiting, keep a full tank of gas and have a lot of water with you. It is a beautiful… Continue reading Death Valley Highway