Deep into Death Valley somewheres on Emigrant Canyon Road we found these water towers on a hill and I had to run up and take a look! Little did we know it was a famous historic site called Journigan’s Mill. It was the only thing we had seen in quite a while, so it was… Continue reading Death Valley Let’s Go video
Tag: death valley
Wildrose Road Death Valley

We likely would not have discovered and followed Wildrose Road if not for the diverted attempt to locate and visit Ballarat. Not much of a road to speak of, as it last got paved 80 years ago and only parts of it are paved. Still it was a beautiful drive down one of the least… Continue reading Wildrose Road Death Valley
Wildrose in Death Valley

We took the highly untraveled Wildrose Road back up thru some of the higher elevation parts of Death Valley. There are some large charcoal kilns out here, but we wanted to get back on the main road to get lunch so we skipped the kilns this time. We connected to nearby Emigrant Canyon Road to… Continue reading Wildrose in Death Valley