This is it! This is the place that most folks associate with Death Valley. Badwater Basin Salt Flats, the lowest point in North America, measured at 282 feet below sea level. It is quite the spectacular sight to behold, but you certainly do not want to visit in the Summertime. It gets upwards of 134… Continue reading Badwater Basin Death Valley
Tag: mountains
Sideview from Artists Drive
While you are driving the Artists Drive Scenic Loop, there are a precious few pull outs that allow you to stop and really take a gander at the beauty of this space. Not only does it have the colorful rock formations, but it is shrouded by mountains and is a very active desert landscape. In… Continue reading Sideview from Artists Drive
Clouds Over Mono Lake
On a recent road trip I was able to capture these wild clouds over Mono Lake, California. The lake water was very aqua that day and some nearby mountain peaks still had snow. April 24, 2021