Looking south from the Stovepipe Wells Ranger Station in Death Valley, you can see impressive Tucki Mountain rising in the distance. The park is a sparse and stark environment, predominantly flat scrub brush lands and several mountain ranges. This location is at sea level, but other parts of Death Valley National Park go well below… Continue reading Stovepipe Wells Ranger Station
Death Valley’s First Tourist Resort
In order to tour Death Valley, you need to purchase a visitor pass from a Ranger Station. Oddly enough, when entering the park from the West, the first Ranger Station you see is just about in the middle of the park at Stovepipe Wells. This is a very old and historic place, having been where… Continue reading Death Valley’s First Tourist Resort
Wildrose Road Death Valley
We likely would not have discovered and followed Wildrose Road if not for the diverted attempt to locate and visit Ballarat. Not much of a road to speak of, as it last got paved 80 years ago and only parts of it are paved. Still it was a beautiful drive down one of the least… Continue reading Wildrose Road Death Valley